Is This the Best College You've Never Heard Of? (2025)

Is This the Best College You've Never Heard Of? (1)

It's often named one of the most expensive colleges in the country, even earning the top distinction back in 2017. It's an excellent return on investment. It's a bragging right in Silicon Valley: a majority of graduates secure six-figure offers from tech giants. The rest? They go on to get PhDs.

No, this isn't an Ivy League university. Or Stanford, or MIT. It's not on the Alt-Ivies list either. The school in question here is Harvey Mudd, a tiny institution in Southern California—and one of the five that make up the Claremont Colleges consortium.

The name should be familiar to anyone who feverishly tracks the plethora of college ranking lists that float around the internet. Naturally it's well-known to those who live on the West Coast. Less so for prospective students on the other side of the country, especially those whose sights may not go very far past Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.

"It certainly doesn’t have the household recognition that Ivies enjoy. It's fair to say that Harvey Mudd is a veritable diamond in the rough," according to Jenny Alessi, Rod Lembven, and Eric Sherman, the cadre of IvyWise counselors T&C consulted for their expertise on the matter. "The college needs little defending to families who are familiar with its strong reputation in Silicon Valley. The further east you go, however, the less known the institution is, and the more conversations become necessary as to why it should be on students’ lists."

Is This the Best College You've Never Heard Of? (2)

Harvey Mudd College.

As for those reasons why, first and foremost: the academics. Harvey Mudd is an elite liberal arts college that also happens to have an equally impressive STEM curriculum—hence that Silicon Valley cred. (This is not to say it's the only one of its kind: a few other liberal arts institutions, like Bowdoin, Smith, and Bucknell, have notable STEM offerings as well.)

"Its emphasis on STEM education sets it apart from other liberal arts colleges, and on the flip side, its liberal arts designation sets it apart from other STEM institutions," IvyWise's consultants say. "Students are often surprised to learn it's a liberal arts college, yet has robust engineering programs."

Despite its small size—undergraduate enrollment falls under 1,000—Harvey Mudd's membership in the Claremont system means students also have access to resources, facilities, classes, extracurriculars, events, even the dining halls, at the other schools. And there is a bit of a choose-your-own-adventure vibe within this consortium. "The history of each of the Claremont Colleges represents the different needs of the era that it was founded," IvyWise's advisors say. "Each school has its own institutional identity and academic specialties."

For example, Pomona and Clarement McKenna—founded in 1887 and 1946, respectively—are modeled after old school New England establishments. Scripps, established in 1926, is a pioneering women's college, while Pitzer, founded during the civil rights era of the '60s, is famous for its student governance model and commitment to social justice.

"Harvey Mudd is a veritable diamond in the rough."

So how did Harvey Mudd (established in 1955) become the STEM mascot of the group? Credit goes to the man the school is named after, a mining engineer turned magnate who had a prescient understanding—just as the Space Age was beginning to dawn—of the growing need for rigorous technological and scientific education. Already a donor to the Claremont Colleges, Mudd began working to add a school devoted to these studies but died before the project's completion—his family took over and named the institution after him.

Not surprisingly, the post-grad prospects are quite rosy. According to a survey of the Class of 2022, 60% of Harvey Mudd graduates had accepted a job—Microsoft and Meta being the most popular—with a median salary of $117,500. These numbers edged it past MIT, which had 52% of its 2022 graduates employed, with a median salary of $110,000. For those who decide to continue their studies, a staggering 30% of graduates go on to PhD programs, "the highest rate of any school in the country," according to IvyWise.

And while a relatively modest endowment may contribute to Harvey Mudd's steep sticker price (tuition, room, and board for 2022-2023 tallies up to $82,395), the financial aid packages are generous and—unlike at MIT and Caltech—even include merit-based scholarships, a perk that surely helps lure some of the nation's brightest young minds away from the competition. Consider, too, Harvey Mudd's #3 spot on the list of schools with the best ROI, beating out Stanford, UPenn, and Princeton. Maybe it's time to revise that college wishlist?

Is This the Best College You've Never Heard Of? (3)

Leena Kim


Leena Kim is an editor at Town & Country, where she covers travel, jewelry, education, weddings, and culture.

Is This the Best College You've Never Heard Of? (2025)


Why did you choose this college best answer? ›

Research its courses, mission/vision, special programs, etc. Then explain how these aspects will benefit you and help you develop into the person you want to be. Also, show how this relationship between you and the school would be synergistic. What could you offer the school in return?

How do you know what college is best for you? ›

What to Consider When Choosing a College
  • Location. For many students, location is one of the most significant factors in choosing a college. ...
  • Size. ...
  • Majors and Programs. ...
  • Reputation. ...
  • Campus Culture. ...
  • Tuition and Fees. ...
  • Step 5: Weigh the Pros and Cons of Each College.

How do you answer the why this college question? ›

Highlight how the college's unique opportunities will contribute to your personal development. Whether it's the chance to engage in research, participate in leadership programs, or immerse yourself in a vibrant campus community, emphasize how these experiences will help you grow as an individual.

How do you answer why a college should accept you? ›

How should I prepare for the "Why should we accept you?" college interview question? Start by researching the school. Once you understand its mission, goals, research, and curriculum, consider what experiences, skills, and events in your life are connected to the school's mission and vision.

How do you answer why a college is a good fit for you? ›

5 Tips for Writing a Great "Why This College" Essay
  • Treat Each "Why Us" Essay Individually. ...
  • Spend Time Researching Your Schools. ...
  • Focus on Your Fit With the School. ...
  • Provide Specific Details and Examples. ...
  • Demonstrate a Sense of Enthusiasm.

Why is college the best choice? ›

A college education shows potential employers you can complete a long-term project, you can think critically, solve problems, and have the capacity to learn new things. Most jobs now require at least some college experience; without a degree, you will likely be at a disadvantage when competing against other applicants.

What is the #1 top college? ›

National Universities
  • #1. Princeton University.
  • #2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • #3. Harvard University (tie)

How do I know if I picked the right college? ›

Here are some aspects to consider:
  • Size.
  • Location.
  • Distance from home.
  • Available majors and classes.
  • Housing options.
  • Makeup of the student body.
  • Available extracurricular activities.
  • Campus atmosphere.

How do I know if a college is a good fit for me? ›

Check out course and program descriptions, reviews of professors, and sit in on some classes if you're able to visit campus. Assessing your chances of admission can be a good way to identify a strong academic match (and, of course, your college list of dream and safety schools!).

How do you answer why is college important to me? ›

College is very important to me because it can equip me with the tools and knowledge I need to do better in life and not just barely making it, also help me to have a more open mind set about life and knowledge. Now I understand I need a good college education and more knowledge to move ahead in life.

How do you make your why this college essay stand out? ›

A standout college essay has several key ingredients: A unique, personally meaningful topic. A memorable introduction with vivid imagery or an intriguing hook. Specific stories and language that show instead of telling.

How do you write a why do I want to go to this college essay? ›

Highlight a few reasons

Review your research to identify the truly unique offerings that appeal to you and align with your goals, and write your essay to convey this to the admissions officers. Be sure to include a thesis that explains how what the school offers meets your interests.

Why did I choose this college? ›

College authorities want to know more about your academic interests and commitments. Talk about the specific educational, research, and other academic opportunities offered by the college that appeal to you. Expand on this idea by talking about how these opportunities help support your future goals.

How do you write why you choose this university? ›

Be Specific

If a school supplement asks “why do you want to attend this university?” don't just say “because it's a great school,” or “because my parents went there.” Be as detailed as possible to demonstrate your knowledge of the institution and the aspects of the college and campus life that draw you to it.

What makes you a good fit for this program? ›

My combination of expertise, passion for learning, teamwork skills and alignment with the program's objectives make me a strong fit.

Why did I choose the college I did? ›

You should avoid answers that may show a lack of interest or lack of professionalism, such as saying that you only applied to one school or that you could only get into certain schools because of poor grades. Instead, focus on the benefits of the school that you went to, like smaller class sizes and lower tuition.

Why did you choose to attend college? ›

College grads generally earn more and have better employment opportunities than non-graduates. For many students, college is an opportunity to gain financial literacy, begin networking and broaden their horizons. The investment is worthwhile for many.

Why should we select you for this program in college? ›

Highlight your strengths

Consider mentioning how your skills align with the subject matter. Focus on your unique strengths that could contribute to your success in the course. Discuss the skills you hope to further develop through the course.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.