Home | Harvey Mudd College (2025)

The Liberal Arts College of Engineering, Science and Mathematics

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About Mudd

Bring your excitement for science and mathematics, enthusiasm for the humanities, arts and social sciences, ability to thrive amid challenge and desire to be part of a collaborative community to Harvey Mudd.

  • No. 2Best Career Placement
  • No. 1Highest Mid-Career Salaries
  • No. 2Best Undergrad Engineering Program
  • 906Undergraduates
  • 49:51Female:Male
  • 9:1Student:Faculty


The Harvey Mudd curriculum integrates vigorous STEM and liberal arts courses to educate talented scientists, engineers, and mathematicians— inspiring them to become passionate problem solvers who understand the impact of their work on society.


The curriculum has three components

  • Common Core
  • HSA
  • The Major

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The Common Core

A Broad Foundation in STEM Disciplines

Our educational experience starts with the Common Core, a set of coordinated courses from every department—biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, math, physics and humanities, social sciences and the arts. The Core gives you a broad scientific background coupled with academic writing and critical inquiry. No matter what your future major, you will gain a solid interdisciplinary foundation.

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Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts

Know Your Impact

Harvey Mudd is a liberal arts college where students have the opportunity to major in a STEM field while taking nearly a third of their classes in humanities, social sciences and the arts (HSA). The HSA requirement encourages students to pursue their interests in philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, literature, music, photography, media studies and many other fields. With dynamic professors at Harvey Mudd and the other Claremont Colleges, you will be able to take courses in a wide range of topics of interest to you. Why do we center HSA in our curriculum? Because we believe humanities, social sciences and the arts are central to our mission to educate leaders who understand the impact of their work on society.

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The Major

Explore Your Field Through Research and Experiential Learning

The major builds depth and technical competence in a chosen field. Majors at Harvey Mudd emphasize a broad-based, interdisciplinary approach to equip our students with problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to any challenge. Coursework comes alive with project-based experiential learning and graduate-level research opportunities. You’ll finish your major by completing real-world research (thesis) or a clinic project. Throughout the entire curriculum runs an emphasis on developing strong oral and written communications and excellent computational skills.

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Senior Capstone Experience

Every student completes a yearlong senior project in either original research or the Clinic Program, depending on the major. Students can engage in research and Clinic before their senior year as well, and many do.

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The Clinic Program

Solving Real-world Problems

Clinic engages juniors and seniors in solving real-world, technical problems for companies and organizations. Teams of four to five students complete computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics or multidisciplinary projects, applying their education to produce valuable solutions for sponsors.

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Not Your Average Undergrad

Students work alongside faculty as colleagues, investigating open-ended questions, presenting findings at national conferences and co-publishing papers. Opportunities abound, and students can begin doing research early in their studies or engage in summer research.

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Life @ Mudd

Harvey Mudd nurtures a close-knit, creative, fun-loving community that is passionate about learning. We study together, play together and explore interests in everything from ballroom dance to robotics to sustainability.

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Mudders Can

Harvey Mudd has a legacy of preparing its graduates for success. Students typically have many options after graduation and go on to lead very successful careers.

Shailee Samar ’18

Having received pivotal advice from former President Klawe, Shailee Samar ’18 now enables others to succeed.

Christopher Pong ’08

Part hobby, part job, Christopher Pong’s work on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover mission has been an emotional journey.

Mary Jessie Celestin ’21

The multi-talented Mary Jessie Celestin ’21 uses a human-centered approach to vitalize her hometown of San Jose.

Home | Harvey Mudd College (2025)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.