Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points and Best Loot Spots (2025)

A guide to EFT's Reserve map, including the easiest way to extract.

Table of Contents

  • What Scav Boss Is On Reserve
  • Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points
  • Where's The Best Loot On The Reserve Map

Escape from Tarkov's Reserve map is home to the rats and scavengers of the game, having players equipped with a pistol, backpack, and no armor hijack all the maps loot within the first five minutes of the raid. As profitable as this may be, you must become a master of Reserve and learn all the best loot locations, extracts, and places of interest. Reserve offers three things: loot, high-level players, and raiders, believe me, you can't have one without the other. Whether you're running through the sewers in an attempt to escape or pinned down by the scav boss Gluhkar, Reserve provides a tense experience that haunts you long after extraction.

Within this guide, we are going to provide you with the essential skills to defend your loot, friends, and interests. This includes extracts, loot locations, weapon suggestions, and a guide on the scav boss, therefore, once finishing this guide you'll understand the essentials of how to survive within this daunting map. Most players typically avoid playing Reserve, which is incredibly unfortunate due to the uniqueness and interactive map, allowing players to commence in all roles ranging from, sniping, machine-gunning, close-quarter combat, and mounting a heavy machine gun or grenade launcher!

What Scav Boss Is On Reserve

Meet Glukhar, Escape from Tarkov's powerhouse that will surely knock your socks off! Whether it's his ASH-12 or biceps, Glukhar definitely knows how to handle himself and protect the lands of Reserve with the bold aesthetic seen by no other scav boss. Coming in at a 30% spawn chance, Glukhar and his buddies spawn in ready to rock the boat, typically spawning at these locations:

  • Storage building marked with "K" (opposite train station)
  • Repair building marked with a black and white chess knight
  • At barracks marked with a black bishop and black pawn
  • In the underground storage warehouse marked with "Д "

Despite having four separate spawn locations, Glukhar enters the raid alongside 5-6 raider friends to help protect him and they come packing heat. These are the weapons you can find on Glukhar and his guards:

  • M1A
  • ASH-12
  • AKS-74U
  • PP-19-01
  • AS VAL
  • AK-74M
  • RPK-16
  • M4A1
  • TOZ pump-action shotgun

There are more weapons that can be found on the followers, but they are typically found with the above and similar weapons, having the widest plethora of weaponry out of all the scav bosses and followers. Although appearing daunting, this factor is incredible due to the sheer volume of loot you'll receive once killing the targets and dominating the raid - quite a lot to carry to extract though.

Gluhkar and the guards are very territorial, meaning they often won't venture outside of the building they spawn within. To kill Gluhkar and his guards, you're going to want to battle them at close quarters to have the highest chance of success, including the use of grenades. Due to Gluhkar's high health, you're going to want to shoot him in the head, easier said than done, just make sure that's what you do. If you lose sight of Gluhkar, stay away from windows or open locations due to their ability to adapt to long-range combat. Weapons-wise, choose something with high power and agility, such as the Saiga 12ga with flechette rounds.

Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points

Reserve offers weird extracts that most despise, however, that's what makes the map unique, below, you'll find the extracts and their requirements:

Armored TrainThe building marked "Rook" with "T" above (train station)Arrives between 20 and 15 minutes left in the raid.
Honks twice on arrival.
Stays for 7 min.
Honks once 1 min before departure, leaves with you on
Bunker Hermetic DoorActivate the lever (marked "A" on the map above) in the shack west of the white pawn building, then run to the bunker (marked "D")Activate power and run to the bunker in less than four minutes
Cliff DecentBehind the dome on the hillRed rebel ice pick, paracord, no armor vest
D-2Command, underground system, follow stairs down and through one way systemTurn on the power with a lever in the command part of the underground bunker system and push the button at the bunker door
Scav Lands (Co-Op)Marked "S" on the map, the southern part of the map next to the brick house on the gate.Extract with friendly scav
Sewer ManholeMarked "M" on the mapExtract without backpack

As you can see, there is essentially no extract that you can just "walk" away from, you always have to complete or meet some criteria before extracting from the map, hence why people mostly dislike Reserve. However, the fewer people the more loot and that's even better from the adventure capitalists out there.

Where's The Best Loot On The Reserve Map

In spite of the Reserve's confusing layout, there is plenty of loot up for grabs. Thankfully, Reserve doesn't require many keys to obtain the upper category of loot, allowing players to search and rinse the map fully without costing them a penny. However, there are obviously still helpful keys to obtain as seen below:

RB-BK Marked keyEast barracks on Reserve (opposite helicopter). The south end of pawn east building basementVery rare loose loot - BTCs etc
RB-VO Marked keyLeft room, in the back end of the barrack northwest of the reserve and west of the bunkersVery rare loose loot - BTCs etc
RB-KPRL keyThe southernmost small building at the radio tower (dome)Safe, weapons, intelligence
RB-PKPM keyUnderground bunker system of the reserve, the marked room next to the office that is connected to the D-2 extract switchVery rare loose loot
RB-SMP keyThe second floor of the HQ (white bishop) buildingLoose medical loot

All of these locations are high-traffic areas, therefore meaning you need to act with precaution, having your gun locked and loaded. Whether you want to run, stamp your feet, or quietly rat through the hallways at walking speed, that's up to you to make the right decision. Overall, Reserve provides a very high-traffic map, having players, scavs, and raiders roam the lands with little worry of death and empathy for your gear fear, they won't spare you.

Finally, here are the best looting locations without keys:

  • White king building - opposite dome - rare PC loot scattered over server rooms
  • Black pawn building - opposite white king - rare loose loot and scav boss spawn
  • White knight building - opposite sewer manhole - rare hardware loot/scav boss spawn
  • Underground tunnels - underground - rare loose, PC, and hardware loot
  • Black bishop building - in front of the helicopter - rare PC loot

These locations are easy to find on (this) map, or each location has a big painted chess piece on the side of the building in-game, linking each reference to the building within Reserve. To benefit massively at minimal risk, equip a large vest and a pistol, run around all the listed key and building locations, pick up the best loot, and extract through the Sewer manhole, there's minimal risk and no gear fear. Please beware, players often look for pesky pistol runners, they understand that pistol runners likely have more than a PM on their character!

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Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points and Best Loot Spots (4)

Written by Will Dowey

Will is a freelancer who formerly wrote for Jaxon where he completed a series of CSGO skin guides, Escape from Tarkov updates, and Modern Warfare stories—additionally, joining forces with DualShockers to share expertise on the much-beloved franchise, Wolfenstein. Following behind Will is his degree in Esports, obtained at the University of Chichester, the degree acts as a foundation for his articles and his love for games. If not battling PMCs in the Streets of Tarkov and farming clips for his YouTube channel, Will is inspecting upcoming Counter-Strike skins and plotting potential purchases to fuel his inventory.

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Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points and Best Loot Spots (5)

Escape from Tarkov Reserve Extraction Points and Best Loot Spots (2025)


Where is the best loot on Reserve Tarkov? ›

All of the Chess buildings have worthwhile loot hiding within. The King/Queen building has a lot of military technology loot, while Knight buildings have random loot items that vary from raid to raid. The Train Station is another great location to search for valuable items.

Where is the best loot spot in EFT? ›

Top Loot Locations
  • Marked Room Key (3 story dorm)
  • Factory Exit Key.
  • Gas Station Storage Room Key.
  • Customs Office Key (inside file cabinet)

Where to exfil on Reserve? ›

Extraction Points
The Heating PipeFrom the Shipping Yard, go a few steps to the south. Here you need to stand under the beginning of the pipes.
Bunker Hermetic DoorThere's a big building on the south of the K buildings. Enter by the open gate on the left and go to the end of the location.
8 more rows
Oct 17, 2022

What Reserve keys are worth it? ›

Here are my top 5 "git gud" keys to help you dominate Reserve:
  • RB-ST - Multiple tank batteries, attachment spawns.
  • RB-AM - Great room for firesteel, military cables.
  • RB-PS81 - Key with 6 intelligence folder spawns.
  • RB-MP21 - Several attachment spawns, can find heavily modded AK.
  • RB-TB - Tech loot like GPUs and tetriz.

Is Loot Lord rare Tarkov? ›

Description. The "Loot Lord" plush toy from a famous Tarkov resident - AquaFPS. A very rare collectible!

What are the most valuable items in Tarkov? ›

  • Physical Bitcoin.
  • Bronze lion figurine.
  • Golden neck chain.
  • Golden rooster figurine.

What is the best map to farm money in Tarkov? ›

Best Locations to Farm Money in Escape from Tarkov. The best locations at the moment are the Lighthouse and Streets of Tarkov. On them you will find a lot of useful loot to sell at flea market or to vendors. One competent run around the map can replace several hours of continuous grind of random locations and PvP.

What map is best for stashes Tarkov? ›

Shoreline is a great map for hidden stash looting as it will have at least 37 spawns. Most players won't know about these caches and you could simply collect them and get out without running into any other players. There are multiple routes you can take depending on where you spawn, west or east of the river.

Does Reserve have good loot? ›

The abundance of high-end loot. Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and military item spawns are quite common on Reserve (and many of them are located outside of locked areas). You will probably find more than you can carry on each Raid.

What happens if you don't exfil in time? ›

Players must manage their time wisely in order to maximize productivity on missions while escaping successfully - any operator that does not exfil from the infected area will be lost to the storm.

What is the most expensive key in tarkov? ›

Just a fact – Violet Keycard remains to be the most expensive Tarkov key. Rewards? Weapon spawns such as M4A1 or MP5SD, money, 3 weapon boxes, multiple weapon mod spawns, a Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter, and the VXP Flash Storage Module.

Where do scavs spawn in reserve? ›

They can also be encountered on Reserve, in the command area of the underground tunnel system at the start of a raid, and additional ones may appear after the "D-2" extraction power switch has been activated. The arrival of the train may also spawn them at the train yard.

Why are some keys so expensive? ›

Complexity: Key fobs contain complex technology that allows them to communicate with the car's computer system. This technology makes them more expensive to produce and program.

Does reserve have good loot? ›

The abundance of high-end loot. Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and military item spawns are quite common on Reserve (and many of them are located outside of locked areas). You will probably find more than you can carry on each Raid.

How do you make money on reserve Tarkov? ›

Here is the list of the Tarkov money farming methods you want to use to stuff your pockets with Roubles:
  1. Looting;
  2. Scav Runs;
  3. Farming Scav Bosses;
  4. Trading;
  5. Crafting & Hideout;
  6. Questing;
  7. Hatchet Runs;
  8. Weapon & Armor Trading;
Feb 20, 2024

How do you get the most money in Tarkov? ›

Best Locations to Farm Money in Escape from Tarkov. The best locations at the moment are the Lighthouse and Streets of Tarkov. On them you will find a lot of useful loot to sell at flea market or to vendors. One competent run around the map can replace several hours of continuous grind of random locations and PvP.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.