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Chapter 61

Introduction to Pharmacology

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• Medication

– Medicinal agent that modifies body functions

• Pharmacology

– Science that deals with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of medications

• Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)

– Licensed to prepare and dispense medications on the order of a licensed practitioner of medicine

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Federal Drug Standards

• Controlled substances

– Protection of controlled substances

• Must be kept in a double-locked area.

– Controlled drug count verification

• The oncoming nurse counts; the outgoing nurse records.

• Medications from other countries may not have the stringent safety precautions of the United States and Canada.

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Schedule of Controlled Substances

• Schedule I (C-I)

– High potential for abuse; no accepted medical use

• Schedule II (C-II)

• Schedule III (C-III)

• Schedule IV (C-IV)

• Schedule V (C-V)

– Limited potential for abuse

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Client Rights

• To know the name, action, and possible side effects of medications administered to them

• To refuse to take medications, unless a court order gives healthcare workers the right to administer medications without the client’s consent

• To request the generic form of prescribed medications, if available

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Drug References

• The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)

– PDR Nurse’s Drug Handbook

– Facts and Comparisons

– The United States Dispensatory (USD)

– The United States Pharmacopeia

– National Formulary

– Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide, Nursing Drug Reference, Handbook of Drugs for Nursing Practice

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Is the following statement true or false?

Physicians, not nurses, are obligated to know the recommended dosage, desired effects, and possible adverse effects of any medication administered.

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Nurses are obligated to know the generic and common trade name, classification, use, recommended dosage, desired effects, possible adverse or untoward effects, and route of administration of any medication administered.

Should a client experience an adverse reaction that the nurse does not recognize, a medication error has been committed, just as if the wrong medication had been given.

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Route of Administration

• Oral: Administered by mouth

• Topical: Applied to the skin or mucous membranes

• Inhalable: Inhaled or breathed in

• Injectable: Given via a needle

• Transdermal: Applied to and absorbed through the skin

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Medication Names

• The chemical name

• The generic name

• The official name

• The trade name or brand name

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Medication Actions

• Agonist

• Antagonist

• Synergistic or potentiating effect

• Interactions between certain drugs

• Side effects and adverse responses

• Interactions of prescription medications with herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies

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Is the following statement true or false?

A nurse must stay alert for adverse reactions, even if the client has received the medication previously and not had an allergic reaction to it.

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A client usually does not experience an adverse or allergic reaction on first exposure to a medication.

Therefore, the nurse must stay alert for adverse reactions, even if the client has received the medication previously.

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Is the following statement true or false?

The nurse must always check and record if the client takes dietary supplements, herbs, or homeopathic remedies.

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The primary care provider may not be aware that the client takes supplements of herbs or homeopathic remedies.

Herbs and homeopathic remedies may have potential drug interactions with a prescribed medication.

Combinations of herbal supplements or of supplements and prescribed medications may also produce life-threatening adverse effects.

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Medication Forms

• Liquids: Oral administration, topical administration

• Solids: Orally disintegrating tablets (ODT), powders, and chewing gum

• Semisolids

• Inhaled medications and nasal sprays

• Transdermal medications

• Injectable medications

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• A dose is a single amount of a medication administered to achieve a therapeutic effect.

• Dosage contains the dose and scheduled times.

– Therapeutic dose

– Minimal dose

– Loading dose

– Maximal dose

– Toxic dose

– Lethal dose

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Factors Affecting Medication Prescription

• Age, gender, weight

• Client’s condition

• Disposition and psychological state

• Method of administration

• Distribution

• Environmental factors

• Time of administration

• Elimination

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• Prescription

– Written or verbal formula for preparing and giving a medication

• Legend drug

– Medicine that cannot be dispensed without a prescription from a licensed practitioner

• Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

– Medications that can be purchased without a prescription

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Parts of a Prescription

• Client’s full name

• Date and time of day

• Name of drug

• Dosage/amount of drug

• Time/frequency of dose

• Method/route

• Primary healthcare provider’s signature

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Verbal Orders

• In emergencies

– Physicians and other primary providers may give verbal medication orders, either directly or by telephone.

• VORB: Verbal order, read back

• TORB: Telephone order, read back

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Is the following statement true or false?

The nurse who takes a telephonic order must read it back to the provider and document it.

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A verbal order must be verified and is documented as VORB, “verbal order, read back,” or TORB, “telephone order, read back.”

The nurse must make sure the order is cosigned by the prescribing person as soon as possible.

Reading back the order helps to ensure that the order as written is the order that was intended. Documentation provides a permanent record of events for reference and protection of clients and healthcare personnel.

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Clarification of Orders

• Medication orders must be carried out exactly as written.

• If any questions arise, the prescribing healthcare provider must be consulted for clarification.

• No medication can be given legally without a valid and clear order.

• All medication and other orders must be clear, understandable, and open to only one interpretation before the nurse takes any action.

• The safe administration of medications is one of the nurse’s most important responsibilities.

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End of Presentation

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How to memorize drugs for pharmacology nursing? ›

How to Memorize for Pharmacology
  1. Study early. Study often. ...
  2. Use different activities to summarize and supplement what you've learned. Remember those learning styles we talked about? ...
  3. Quiz yourself! ...
  4. Break down medications by class. ...
  5. Use mnemonics and acronyms. ...
  6. Make flashcards.
May 13, 2024

What is pharmacology 1 summary? ›

Pharmacology is a medical science that forms a backbone of the medical profession as drugs form the corner stone of therapy in human diseases. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to describe the pharmacological basis of therapeutics in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of drugs to recipients.

What is the basic introduction of pharmacology? ›

Pharmacology (Gr. pharmakon - a drug or poison, logos - word or discourse) is the science dealing with actions of drugs on the body (pharmacodynamics) and the fate of drugs in the body (pharmaco*kinetics).

What is a drug in pharmacology? ›

Pharmacology is the scientific study of the effects of drugs and chemicals on living organisms where a drug can be broadly defined as any chemical substance, natural or synthetic, which affects a biological system.

What is the hardest class in nursing school? ›

Pharmacology: Conquering Medication Challenges

Pharmacology, the study of medications and their effects on patients is often considered one of the hardest classes in nursing.

How hard is pharmacology? ›

Unfortunately, pharmacology is a notoriously difficult subject because there are hundreds of drugs to study. The good news is that there are tons of effective pharmacology study tips that students use all the time to succeed.

What are 5 jobs in pharmacology? ›

  • Pharmaceutical Marketing / Sales.
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturer.
  • Pharmacologist.
  • Product Development/Testing.
  • Professor / Teacher.
  • Quality Control / Assurance.
  • Regulatory Toxicologist.
  • Researcher / Scientist.

Is pharmacology more chemistry or biology? ›

The subject of pharmacology is immensely broad and covers areas of physiology, chemistry, neuroscience, cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics.

What are the 3 basic concepts of pharmacology? ›

With an astounding range and number of medications that must be safely administered to patients, it is essential for professionals to understand pharmacology concepts. This is the goal of this course. Pharmaco*kinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug interactions will be explained.

How do I teach myself pharmacology? ›

10 tips for learning pharmacology
  1. Do the work! “There is no secret. ...
  2. Start with the mechanism of action. “Start with the body's responses and learn the drugs that do them. ...
  3. Flashcards, notecards, and dry erase boards. ...
  4. Understand the big picture. ...
  5. Create study aids. ...
  6. 30-second drug guide lookup. ...
  7. Touch the meds. ...
  8. Constant quizzing.

Why is it called pharmacology? ›

Etymology. The word pharmacology is derived from Greek word φάρμακον, pharmakon, meaning "drug" or "poison", together with another Greek word -λογία, logia with the meaning of "study of" or "knowledge of" (cf. the etymology of pharmacy).

What the drug does to the body is called? ›

Pharmacodynamics, described as what a drug does to the body, involves receptor binding, postreceptor effects, and chemical interactions. Drug pharmaco*kinetics determines the onset, duration, and intensity of a drug's effect.

What are 10 examples of drugs? ›

Commonly Used Drugs Charts
  • Alcohol.
  • Ayahuasca.
  • Cannabis (Marijuana/Pot/Weed)
  • Central Nervous System Depressants (Benzos)
  • Cocaine (co*ke/Crack)
  • Fentanyl.
  • GHB.
  • Hallucinogens.
Sep 19, 2023

Is sugar a drug? ›

Drug-like effects

The research scientists claim that sugar alters mood and can induce reward and pleasure, in the same way drugs such as cocaine affect the brain. They cite studies in rats where sugar was preferred to cocaine, and studies in mice where the mice experienced sugar withdrawal symptoms.

Is pharmacology a pharmacy? ›

What's Pharmacology & Pharmacy? Pharmacology is a branch of medicine and biology. It's concerned with the study of drug action (where a drug can be broadly defined as any human-made, natural or endogenous substance). Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs produced by pharmacologists.

How do pharmacologists remember doses of drugs? ›

Here are four tips for how you can memorize drugs for pharmacology.
  1. Pace your memorization. So, you have come here to unlock the secrets of how to memorize pharmacology fast and furiously! ...
  2. Start with drug classes before specific medications. ...
  3. Spice up your study approach. ...
  4. Try Picmonic for efficient, quick drug memorization.
Jan 20, 2023

What is the easiest way to study pharmacology? ›

Here are 10 of the best tips for learning pharmacology.
  1. Do the work! “There is no secret. ...
  2. Start with the mechanism of action. ...
  3. Flashcards, notecards, and dry erase boards. ...
  4. Understand the big picture. ...
  5. Create study aids. ...
  6. 30-second drug guide lookup. ...
  7. Touch the meds. ...
  8. Constant quizzing.

Do nurses have to memorize drugs? ›

Nursing students have to memorize drugs, their side effects, their classes, and tons more. It's a lot of information to digest at once, and nursing students need to nail it pretty fast to succeed in their pharmacology course and in nursing school.

How to memorize top 200 drugs? ›

When going through the top 200 drug list, here are some tips to help you study efficiently:
  1. Drug Classes. For starters, make sure to break the drugs into their respective classes. ...
  2. Brand and Generic Name Equivalents. ...
  3. Indications. ...
  4. Side Effects, Interactions, and Contraindications.

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.